Friends of No. 9 Inc. would like to thank our wonderful supporters for keeping the history of the Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods Scenic Railroad alive.
($10,000 and above)
John F. & Celeste Craemer
John Davis Charitable Fund
Erdie Folker
John Gray Trust
Arlene Halligan Estate
Bob Kaliski
Bruce & Carolyn Lowenthal
Make It Better Foundation
Mt. Tamalpais Cemetery
Roger Smith & Lynne Oberlander
($5,000 to $9,999)
Rick Beach
Gerald K Cahill & Kathleen S King Fund
Dennis Fisco
James Lindenbaum
Merri Martori
Susan Royce
Jed Smith
Jesse Thompson
($1000 to $4,999)
Jonathan B. Allen
Larry & Juliet Bathgate
Joyce Britt
Capretta Family Foundation
Mark Chavez
Thornton Russell David, Jr.
Christopher D. Di Pasqua
James J. Dunn
Jeffrey Freedman
Griffith Family Foundation
Donald E. Harper
Bruce W. Hart
Bob & Cathie Karcher
Jonathan H. Lemberg & Karen Sakanashi
Eric Macris
Mill Valley Lumber
William E. & Paula K. Raudio
Redwood Security Systems
Phil Richardson
Fred Runner
Nancy Skinner
Charlie & Chris Vogelheim
Frank Woolard
William & Diane Zuendt
($500 to $999)
Bank of Marin
Russell Burbank
David & Claudia Chittenden
Fay Dabney
Troy Charles Davis
Carl R. Duisberg
Patricia Ernsberger
European Train Enthusiasts
Frederic P. Giles
Judy Provines Gum
Howard & Margot Harker
Humboldt Sawmill
Nancy Hurtado
Wayne Koide
Hugh A. Kuhn
Pamala Martori
Mendocino Forest Products
Mill Valley Refuse
Greg & Irene Mills
Multiple MVHS Payees
Douglas G. Paul
Thomas Perry
Ellin & Ned Purdom
William & Barbara Rich
Mary Anne Rohde
Rondeau Family Trust
Janet Rostad
Kathy Eddy Tresch
Andy & Kris Wiskes
Peter Young
(up to $499)
Tim Aaronson
Sharon Adams
Jeanne Aden
Sherry Antonoff
Mike Bagley
Christine Barbour
Amy Alton Barrios
David Barsotti
Richard Baumsteiger
Timothy J. Blomgren
Breeze & Angell
Gene & Miriam Brown
Stan Buchanan
Mary Bullwinkel
Barry S. & Janet Burdick
James Burke
Jerry & Anne Butler
Dean & Renee Campbell
Capper Family Fund
Steve Cardellini
Donna & Cary Carrillo
Changing Places
Katheryn & Kirk Holt Citron
Christina Clark
Robert E. Cochran
Duane & Lizette Collins
Joyce Crews
Robert & Julianne Crockett
John Diamante
Randy Dilena & Family
Pencho Dimitroff
Christopher Dworin
Barbara and Susan Eaton
Kenneth & Audrey Ellingsen
Helen Anne Evans
Douglas & Jane Ferguson
Robert E. Fesler
Brendan Finn
Kathryn Fontwit
Forks & Fingers
Matt Fuette
Tracey Gant
Stephen Gertz &
Valorie VanDahl-Gertz
William Getty
Julia Gilles
Nancy M. Glenn
John Goldie
Riley J. Gordinier
Liana Wood Greenberg
Frank P. Greene
Jill & Bob Greenman
Janet Barnett Greenman
David J. Guggenheim
Jeffrey Hamrick
Tracy S. Haughton
James Hearn & Julie Dentkos-Hearn
Lorraine Ann Heitchue
Annemarie & Doris Hellman
Larry & Betty Henry
Gene Heyman
Herbert Heyneker
Mimi Hodge
E. Christine Holly
Emilie Holly
Margaret Hoopingarner
Duane Johnson
Elisa S. Johnson
Pete Johnston
Daniel P. Kahn
Daniel Kelly
Diane Teulie Kent
Ann Killion
David C. Kimball & Anne A. Taylor
Lew Kious
Peter Leaf
Lisette Lehmen
Drew Lipner
Barbara MacDonald
Toni MacIntyre
Michael Mackintosh
Nancy Anne & Chester MacPhee
Alexandra Maguire
Cory B. Marcus
Peter Martin
Steven D. Mason
Megan McCall
Patricia McGrath
James Robert McKibbin
Marie Melka
Leland P. Mellen
Elizabeth Morrison
Jeffory S. Morshead
Mount Tam Electric, Inc.
Roberta S. O'Grady
David Oberlander
Norman Oppenheimer
Garril G. Page
Linda & Bob Panico
Colette Weil Parrinello
William G. Pates & Judith Wilson-Pates
Harry A. Peshon
Frances Petersen
Ronald & Mary Pharis
David Pohl
Kathleen Provines
D. Ragan
Danica Remy
Philip Rhodes
Michael & Linda Rubio
Jill Sampson
Christine Sansom
Ray & Mary Louise Schmalz
Schmalz Family Giving Fund
Stuart & Carol Schneider
Lucas O. Seastrom
Andrew & Audrey Shapiro Charitable Fund
Bruce Sherrill & Dale Martin
Jane Singer
Benjamin Smith & Liana Kirk
Sue Smith
Dick Spotswood
D. Sanford Stadtfeld
Alan G. Stangenberger
Georgia A. Stapleton
Bonnie R. Stevens
Jim Stone
Steven & Elizabeth Suzuki
David & Carolyn Swingle
Robert & Patricia Teichman
Kara Teklinski
Texas Instruments Foundation
Thomas Family Revokable Trust
Wendy Tobiasson & Raoul Wertz
Richard Torney
Jon & Denise Traud
Burnett & Marilyn Tregoning
Thomas P. Trimble III
Dr. Susan Van Duyne
John Vandall
Barbara L. Voisin
Jorgen Vos
Charles H. Waldron
Margaret F. Walsh
Rona Weintraub
James Wickham
Marilynne K. Wilander
Cathy Wilmoth
Geraldine & Robert Wilson
Phyllis M. Wright
Stan & Rosalie Yacknin
Stanley P. & Rosalie B. Yacknon
Sherman F. Yee
Anthony C. Zahn
Mike Bagley
Breeze & Angell
Changing Places
Bob & Cathie Karcher
Patricia McGrath
Sue Smith
Georgia A Stapleton
Jim Stone
Peter Young
Ghilotti Construction Company
(Donations of Time, Services and Expertise)
Robert Forsher, Architect
Colin Alley, BCV Architects
Mill Valley Historical Society
Marin Historical Museum
The California Room, Marin County Library
Chris DiPaqua Accountancy
Monte Deignan, Monte Deignan Associates
Joe Breeze
Marin Museum of Bicycling
Rizzoli Locomotive Works
Suzanne Smith
Kyle Wyatt (retired curator, CA State RR Museum)
Don Marenzi (Ardenwood RR Museum)
Jimmy Dunn
Mike Ghilotti, Ghilotti Bros., Inc.
Frank Chappel
Friends of Mt. Tam
Carl Nolte (SF Chronicle)
Dick Spotswood (Marin IJ)
Gail Geary, Marin Pacific Insurance Co
David Waterman
Sue Royce/Royce Printing