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October 10—Model of No. 9 on the Plaza

On Sunday, October 10, at 12 noon at Mill Valley's downtown plaza, the Mill Valley Historical Society and Friends of No. 9 will be hosting a special event that we hope you will be able to attend.

Assembling the model of No. 9 in Depot Plaza

Back in 2018, Friends of No. 9 teamed up with the Mill Valley Historical Society and other local organizations to purchase at auction the last surviving piece of the once world-famous Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railway -- a 1921 Heisler steam engine that was the tenth and last engine the railway would ever purchase. Engine No. 9 is now undergoing a thorough restoration. In the meantime, to raise awareness about Mill Valley’s railroad history and to help find a future home for Engine No. 9, we have been building a life-size model and local children have been painting it with us. Starting in early October, the model will be on display adjacent to the downtown plaza. The October 10 event will be a celebration of the model and everyone who helped make it, along with a chance to discuss local history with our community and present a proposal to create a future home for the real Engine No. 9.

We hope this event will draw a big turnout to show strong community support for creating this future home for No. 9. This will be our first in-person event since the start of the pandemic -- something we have been eager but cautious to do. With the vast majority of Mill Valley's population now vaccinated, we believe an outdoor event will be Covid safe. We ask that you do your part to keep it that way by masking up and maintaining proper social distance.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, October 10.


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