The Friends of No. 9 have been digging deeply into the technical weeds in our restoration of Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods Engine No. 9.
By January we had nearly disassembled the locomotive looking for hidden rusted or broken parts in need of repair. As you will see, we found both.
The work has been moving along nicely. The Millerick brothers are doing a marvelous job restoring the 102-year old locomotive. Delta Sandblasting has been cleaning, sandblasting and painting the repaired metal. We expect to begin reassembling No. 9 in Spring.
We greatly appreciate all the donations that make this work possible.

January 6, 2023
During a break in the January rains, Jeff Millerick points out part of the smokebox section that will be replaced. Corrosion has thinned the steel and gnawed at its edges. Jeff will order a new curved piece of steel, an exact match to the rusted original. The new piece weighs 306 pounds. Identical mounting holes will be hand cut in by the Millericks.

January 23, 2023
Jeff Millerick looks at the smokebox section that is now ready for new metal to be mounted. Note the removed piece, lying in Jeff’s shadow, on the ground at right. It will be used as the pattern for the new holes that will be cut.

January 23, 2023
The repair and restoration of No. 9 requires a fair amount of space in the Millerick brothers' yard. (L to R) No. 9’s steam boiler, the locomotive wheel trucks and locomotive frame.

January 25, 2023
Here’s an unexpected repair. No. 9 has 16 springs to absorb shocks to the heavy engine. Six of the 16 springs had shattered. New springs had to be made.

February 12, 2023
At sunrise on Super Bowl Sunday, Robert Sanders, owner of Delta Sandblasting, strapped No. 9's I-beam frame and the two wheel trucks to his 48-foot trailer and drove them to his workshop at the old Alameda Naval Air Station where they are being cleaned and painted.